Dental Implants Procedure

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

If you’re considering a permanent solution for replacing a missing or damaged tooth, you’ll find that dental implants are a popular choice. Implants can be an excellent long-term solution, but they may not be right for everyone.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an alternative to dentures and missing teeth. They are made out of a prosthetic tooth that is screwed or cylindered into the jaw. A crown will be fitted to the implant after it has been placed. In most cases, the implant is comprised of titanium. Many people believe that having a secure, anchored dental implant rather than dentures gives them the feeling and appearance of having a natural tooth in lieu of their missing one!

How Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants require longer procedures than other dental treatment. In most cases, at least two visits are required to finish the procedure.

Here’s what to anticipate:

  • If teeth must be extracted, there will be a healing period before proceeding to step 2.
  • The implants, which look like little posts, will be inserted into the bone.
  • The gums and jaw bone must now repair around the artificial tooth roots. This can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months.
  • The replacement teeth are then attached to the dental implants in the last step. This is normally a short procedure that only requires a single visit.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are usually a more comfortable alternative to other tooth replacement options like dentures and bridges. They look and feel like natural teeth, and they don’t require any special cleaning. You simply need to brush and floss them the same way you do with your natural teeth. While the process of getting and healing from implants can take some time, once your implants are healed, they provide a long-term solution to tooth loss. The root portion of the implant should last for your entire lifetime, and the crown typically lasts 15 years with proper care.

Implants also have important benefits for your long-term health. They make bone loss in your jaw less likely. Because the dental implant is securely attached to your jaw, you won’t experience any difficulty eating or talking once you’ve healed from the procedure. The long-term benefits can help balance out some of the short-term downsides like cost and healing time.

What Are the Downsides of Dental Implants?

While restorative dentistry is often a great choice, there are some downsides that mean they may not be the right choice for all of our patients. The two major concerns that most of our patients have are the high cost and the lengthy healing time associated with implants. Dental implants are much more expensive than dentures, and they may not be covered by your insurance.

Getting dental implants put in requires us to perform oral surgery. While this is a safe procedure, as with any surgery, there are risks of complications like infections. Dental implants usually require multiple procedures and several months of healing time, so they do not provide an immediate fix for your damaged tooth. A successful implant procedure requires sufficient density in the jawbone. If your jaw is not strong enough for implants, you may need additional procedures like bone graft procedure to prepare it.

Can Implant Dentistry Be Completed in One Appointment?

With the traditional implant process, we extract the damaged or diseased tooth, allow the socket to heal for about three months and then begin the process of actually putting in the implant. If you opt for same-day dental implants, we’ll perform both of these steps at once. While you’ll only have one procedure, you will need to see us for a total of three appointments — for a consultation, implant surgery and a follow-up. Same-day implants can attach to the jawbone better than traditional implants and may come with faster healing for your gums and soft tissue. Since the implant fills the socket immediately after the tooth is extracted, there’s a lower risk of infection. There’s also an emotional benefit from being able to walk out of our office with a complete smile.

While same-day dental implants can be a good option, they’re not the right choice for everyone. Since the one-day procedure is more complex, the risk of complications or implant failure is a bit higher. Your dental implant surgery will also take longer, since we’ll be performing multiple steps at once. We’ll need to consider your overall health and the bone density of your jaw to determine if you’re a good candidate. Patients who are current smokers or have autoimmune conditions or gum disease and tooth decay should opt for traditional implants or other alternatives like dentures.

Is Implant Surgery Covered by Dental Insurance?

Your policy determines the extent to which your dental insurance covers implant surgery. The benefits are influenced by how much an employer is prepared to spend on a dental plan. Routine preventive maintenance, basic care, and dental emergencies are usually covered by dental insurance. Most insurance plans only cover the fundamentals, with a maximum permissible benefit of $1,000-$1,500 per year. Most insurance plans do not cover dental implants; however, if a special request for alternative benefits is made, they will often pay the same benefit as they would for the least expensive alternative treatment option (partials and dentures), as well as some diagnostic data. You should check both your dental and medical insurance policies.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The price is affected by the number of missing teeth to be replaced, the position of the teeth, and the type of restoration. It’s also crucial to consider the state of one’s dental gum tissue and the bone structure that supports it.

The only way to accurately estimate the cost for an individual patient is to schedule a consultation with an expert. Implant therapy is more cost-effective in the long run than alternatives such as bridges, partials, and dentures, which require periodic correction and replacement.

Why Should You Choose Ridge Crest Periodontics for Your Dental Implants?

Our oral surgeon, Dr. Ethan Moulton makes every effort to make our patients feel at ease and calm during their appointments. Before we treat a patient, we make sure they are comfortable with the work that is about to be done.

We use cutting-edge equipment and instruments, including as intraoral cameras and digital x-rays, to ensure that Dr. Moulton has a clear view of the inside of your mouth before any work begins. We are proud of our legacy at Ridge Crest, and we will continue to use cutting-edge technology and resources to provide the best dental implant treatment options in Idaho Falls.

Dr. Moulton and his team at Ridge Crest Periodontics are excited to assist patients in living healthier lives by providing better dental care and improve one’s oral hygiene to achieve healthy gums. We are excited to meet you and continue our reputation of excellent service!

If you’re considering dental implants in Idaho Falls, schedule a consultation with us at Ridge Crest Periodontics.

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